Machine regularization project for producers in carnaúba

The straw crushing machine is a fundamental tool for producing the powder used to produce carnauba wax. This machine needs regularization and trained professionals to operate to reduce the risk of accidents at work. UEBT (Union for Ethical Biotrade) together with GIZ (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit) created a project to regularize these machines and […]

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Actions to improve working conditions in the carnauba chain

On 08/10/2022 Agrocera Group hosted a meeting of Carnaubawax Crude Powder producers together with the Judge of the Regional Labor Court of the Seventh Region, The honorable Dr. Francisco José Gomes da Silva. Main topics discussed were the challenges in the supply chain, labor workforce, improving safety and working conditions. We want to thank all […]

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New School “Sagrado Coração De Jesus” (Green Agroschool Program)

The Green Agroschool Program was created to promote improvements in the education of children. The program consists of renovations and construction of schools in needy communities that have carnauba as their main source of income. We are proud to present the project of the construction of a new school on the island of Goiabal in […]

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